Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Create a problem!!

The new Gaviscon advert have gone a step further!
not content with helping people with heart burn overcome their problem discreetly, they have gone a step further  Why not enjoy those things you love that cause heart burn, take them, eat them, and no need to suffer!! it a miracle.
how can eating a hot dog, dirty unhealthy food be warranted by taking a pill which tricks your brain and body into believing everything is OK?
in a board room somewhere...
"we have solved the problem of heart burn!"
"What's next?"
"The people who don't have heart burn?"
"|You know those food that are bad for you?"
"what if you could bypass the bad gut reaction....."
next up...

eat whatever you like,,,,it wont matter, put the weight on and pile it on, no need to worry, just a small procedure, (gastric band) and you'll be right as rain before too long!!

lets not bypass the bodies natural reaction to fatty, unhealthy foods. listen you you GUT.

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